Friday, June 1, 2007


Tuesday. June 1 & 2

I went riding with Miss G., Cad, and Jean – the three whom I love best. Rode out to Hammond’s and came home by the sand hills. I sat on Miss Gantts lap and couldn’t help but think that it would probably be the last time I would ever ride with her. She put her head on my shoulder and I felt so lonesome. Cad kissed me goodnight. She and Miss Gantt are surely the most fair and square and best teachers that ever struck this town. And my Jean is the best girl.


Confound that old Fehn anyways. He sent me from the room and wouldn’t let me finish my geom. exam and all just because I whittled my pencil-box.


Am so tired tonight that I can hardly stand up and so lonesome too.


Miss Gantt went away today. Jean is staying all night with me. I don’t believe that I realized until tonight that Hazel was really going and that perhaps might never see her again and-ole everything.


Miss Barthol, Jean and I went riding. Don’t know what I would do if Jean were going away this summer too. Am so lonesome without Miss Gantt.


Went on a picnic in Mosher’s woods. Pretty - good time. Killed a garter snake. I would rather have been home with Jean than out there – cause she understands.


Have worked all day long. Few of the girls were over this evening. Went home by Bovees. Lots of fun. Jean is going to stay all night with me.


4:00 a.m. is too much for me. Have been sick in bed all day long. Sadie went away. Jean and I surely were surprized(sic) when the clock struck 3:00. Oh, how lonesome how terribly lonesome it is without Miss Gantt.


Sick in bed all day, but got up for supper. Cad came home tonight. Heard from Miss Gantt. She isn’t going to Mexico and I am so glad.


Went fishing – didn’t catch a thing. Am tired. Want my Jean.


Miss Gantt is here – and I am so happy, but she is going in the morning, so don’t suppose I will see much of her. Jean and I are going down to Wallace’s now. Oh, I can hardly wait to see her.


Never was so tickled to see anyone in all my life. She didn’t get home until 11 o’clock. Cad came too. Jean and S. stayed awake until 4:30 and then woke them up as Hazel was going on the 5:35. Am so lonesome now without her. It all seems like a dream.


Am so tired. Wanted to go up to Jean’s, but had to stay home and work. Read “At the Order of the Prophet”. Didn’t like it at all. Wish I hadn’t read it.


Went for a picnic over in the Iowa Hills. Was so disapointed(sic) because Jean couldn’t go. Nell, Geo. and Mamma went off and left me all alone, so I climbed to the top of a great big hill. I tho’t of Jean and Hazel and Cad – and God.


Nell went away today. Jean was down this p.m. Don’t know what I would do without her, but I don’t believe she loves me – not as I love her.


Jean and I took our lesson in china painting this p.m. Sid came this morning. Went riding with Jess.


Cad came over and kissed me good-bye. I just can’t be good.


Stayed all night with Jean. Guess I just about live up to Wallace’s. We went to sleep so early – only about twelve.


Went to church five times today. Church is no place for me. I don’t belong there at all. I’m not good enough. Seems as th’o everyone ought to kick me out. I’m a disgrace to it.


Got a card from Miss Gantt. Painted from 1:30 till 6:00. Am rather tired. Jean was here for supper.


If ever any poor mortal got scolded continually day in and day out. I think I’m the one. Nothing I ever do suits Mamma. Always scolded am I. Everything goes wrong.


Jean and I read all p.m. Went over to Homers for a picnic supper – Epworth League I guess. Am so tired. Jean and I walked out to the big tree past Stickney’s. I wish I could see Miss Gantt now.


Waws down to Jeans this p.m. and stayed for supper. Guess I just about live down there. Jean never comes to see me. Went to see Mr. Reyo about geom. I have to study up and take an exam next fall on the whole book. Murder!


Jean, Mrs. Wallace, Miss French, Mamma and I went on a picnic over in the Iowa Hills this p.m. Saw a rattlesnake and lost the dog. Jean and I climbed the hills.


Jean was down a little while this p.m. Didn’t get thru with the work until after 4 o’clock. Am dreadfully tired. Wanted Jean to stay all night, but she couldn’t


Today has been rather lonely. Went to church four times. Made candy. Went over to Hoffman’s. Haven’t seen Jean at all. Miss French heard from Miss Gantt. She has been sick. Oh dear.


Haven’t seen Jean. Wanted to go over tonight, but Ma wouldn’t let me ‘cause Jean had to study. I wasted two hours on geom. this morning. What a fool I am. Wrote to Miss Gantt. Finished Rienzi.


Got up at 5:30. Went on a picnic. Waded with Edwin in the Missouri. Painted this p.m. Was down to Jeans for supper. I believe I love her more everyday. Wish I would hear from Miss Gantt.


Mamma and I did the washing this morning. Jean was down here for supper. She is in the parlor playing. Wish she loved me, but I don’t wonder ‘cause she don’t. Wish I were dead, so I do.


Stayed all night with Jean. Went to prayer meeting. Wrote to Cad, but was so disgusted with the letter that I threw it into the waste paper basket. May I always have sense enough to so end all such silly letters.

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