Monday, January 1, 2007


Saturday. January 1

Worked all morning. Studied Caesar and geometry this p.m. Jean was down for a little while. Ransome went away this evening. Poor Claudia!


Went to church, S.S. and C.E. Sadie and I went over to Jeans. We made candy and had a fine time. Jean showed me the letter she wrote to Miss Gantt. Dear old Jean. She is surely the best ever.


Washed today. Mamma and Nell have gone to Uncle Eric’s. Read and studied all afternoon. Wrote to Miss Gantt. I hope she won’t be angry. Am going to bed early, only 7:30. Don’t s’pose I’ll go to sleep, th’o.


Is snowing hard out. Went with Sadie to the dentist. She had three teeth filled. I don’t envy her any. Folks got home this p.m. Was over to Kathryn’s for a little while. I am so tired. Haven’t seen a thing of Jean all day.


Went to Y.W. meeting at Wallace’s. We had a splendid meeting. Olive read an awfully nice letter from Miss Gantt. Wish she would write to me. Jean was down for supper. Wish she was going to stay all night.


Mr. Fehn helped me with geometry. Jean was over for a little while. Went to

prayer meeting. Miss Gantt told Kit, that she got the nicest letter from Jean

and me, th’o I can’t see what possessed her to say the about mine.


Went to Epworth League social – a taffy pull. Had lots of fun, but made an awful blister on my finger. Have had lots of fun. Never laughed so in all my life, as I did when Sadie phoned to Mr. Fehn about the social. Such a mix-up. I heard from Miss Gantt this evening, the very nicest letter I ever got from anyone.


Jean stayed all night with me last night. We didn’t go to sleep until after four. Wasn’t that awful of us? We were talking about our New Year resolutions. I hope I can keep all three of mine. I will too, so there now.


Saw Miss Gantt this morning. Seems so good to have her back. I don’t believe she knows how much influence she has. One word from her means so much to me. I am surely going to try to follow the splendid example she has set.


Woke up at 3:30 and didn’t go to sleep again so am rather tired. School again. I hated to begin the old regular grind once more. Got 40 in geom. test. Pretty good for me. Nell went back to Oberlin this morning.


Miss Gantt and I have been out sleigh riding. She asked me why I would not join the church, etc. I wish I had joined the morning she did, now. Studied until 10:30, but don’t know anything.


It’s snowing out like everything. Had a fine Y.W.C.A. meeting. Miss Barthol. led, Miss G. was sick and went home. It seems as th’o everything has gone wrong to day. Got three calling downs from Mr. Fehn. I think that’s too much of a good thing.


Had my Caesar (for a wonder) today. Got our History papers back at last- only got 94 th’o. Poor Jean has such a cough she can hardly see straight. Wish she would get over it right away quick. Went to prayer meeting.


Nothing much doing today. Jean, Myrtle and I had quite a talk with Cad after school. Lelia was here for supper, and is going to stay all night. J.U.G. meets at Homers.


Had quite a good time last night, but missed Jean dreadfully. Things have seemed so lonesome around here today. Haven’t seen anything of Jean or Miss Gantt or anyone. Studied geom. all p.m. Went down to Cumming’s to plan program.


I am so tired I can hardly stand up. Went to the first Junior C.E. meeting and, oh, horrors! I have to lead next Sunday. What will I do anyway. Am scared stiff already. Haven’t seen Jean today.


Nothing much doing. Mamma went to Sioux City, so didn’t come home from school this noon. Test in geom. of course I’ll flunk. Got 98 in music test and 98 in English, too.


Went down to the gym after supper. Mamma is in Vermillion and we kids are all alone. I want Jean so badly tonight. I don’t know why, but I do. Miss G. and I went sleigh riding. Then was up in her room.


Am so weak, can hardly stand. Got 97 in geometry. Am rather tired. It’s 10:30 and mamma isn’t home yet. Y.W. meeting tonight. History exam this p.m. S’pose I’ll flunk. I got such a nice letter from Mrs. Moody tonight.


Went up to the gym after school. Played basketball a little. Jean can just play fine. Cad and I played leap frog. Joke. Went to prayer meeting. Miss Gantt is awfully tired tonight.


Exams in geom. and music. J.U.G. met out to Manning’s. Had a fine bob ride and lots of fun. Ramos Spanish Orchestra this p.m. It certainly was fine. Jean is going to stay all night with me. She is writing in her diary now, too.


We didn’t go to bed until 2:00, nor to sleep until 3:00. I read Jean’s diary. She said in it that she tho’t we ought to pray for Hazel and for our selves together. I think we ought to too, because as she said, I know Hazel would want us to and it is right and most of all I think Christ would want us to, also.


Went to S.S. and church. Didn’t go to C.E. Lead(led?) Junior C.E. Punk. Miss G. wouldn’t even speak to me. Made me feel bad and I cried.


Got our exams back today. Enlish 96, Hist. 97, Latin 99. I am rather tired. Nothing much going today. Wish Mr. Fehn would hurry up and correct our geom. papers. Was over to Miss Frenches a few minutes.


Papa came home today. He is quite sick. Went up to the gym tonight. Miss Gantt and I were in the dressing room. She put her head on my shoulder and then down in my lap. Guess she was tired. I wish she wouldn’t work so hard.

26 & 27

Oh, Father in Heaven, why must it be so? I seems as th’o my heart will break. Mamma has to go to the hospital to have an operation and Papa is very, very ill. He is threatened with pneumonia and besides has heart trouble so bad that he may die at any minute – maybe next week. No one knows when, but God. Miss G. asked me tonight what the trouble was. If I could only have told her.


Report cards at last. Latin 93, Hist. 94, Music 93, Geom. 70, and English 96. Miss Gantt went to Vermillion this morning. Papa isn’t much lbetter today. Sat up with Papa until 12:30.


Am tired today. papa is much better. Rehearsed twice today at the school house. Was over to Miss Frenches for a few minutes. Haven’t seen my Jean today.


Went to S.S., Junior C.E., C.E. and temperance lecture at Methodist church. Went with Jean and Miss Gantt, am dreadfully tired. Papa is about the same. Am huffy at Sadie.


Went to school at 7:45 to rehearse – also after school. Went up to the gym. Had lots of fun; Jean stayed all night with Miss Gantt.