Monday. August 1
We were all going swimming at the Sioux and everyone backed out except Nell and me. So we went without them, off to the Missouri. Blanche went too. She heard from Cad. Wish she would write to me.
Painted this p.m. Played croquet. Mamma and I won both games against Nell and George. It stormed like sixty out tonight. Scared me, so it did.
I am so lonesome tonight. Will be so glad when Jean comes home. ‘Spose that’s awfully selfish when I know she is having such a good time. But I can’t help but wish she were here if only for a minute. I want and need her so much.
Went to prayer meeting. I feel so much alone tonight. I want Hazel so much. How I wish I was worthy to be loved by her and that she loved me.
Jean came home today. Was so glad to see her. She br’ot me the dearest hatpin. She is too good to me. I am so tired I can hardly stand up.
Drove to Uncle Eric’s this morning. It took us eight hours – all because of a few birds. Ruth and I went to Alcester this evening. I am rather tired.
Today hasn’t seemed much like Sunday. Ruth and I road horseback for eight miles. Wrote to Hazel. Wish Jean were here – I’m so terribly lonely. Have cried myself to sleep for the last two weeks. Wish I were dead.
Charlie and I road 4 miles. Guess that was too much I am so stiff. Drove home this p.m. Got the nicest letter from Hazel. I love her and miss her so. It makes me ashamed of myself more than ever when I read her letter. She said she was proud of me. She wouldn’t be if she knew –
Am staying all night with Jean. I am so happy to have her home again. But Hazel is so far away so I can’t be perfectly happy.
We went over into Iowa today. It is raining out now and the wind is blowing like fury. Cad isn't coming back next year. I'm so sorry -–more sorry than I can say. Without Cad and Hazel, I will surely be worse than ever. But I still have my Jean and Christ.
Went to prayer meeting. I was so glad to see Katheryn – but it seemed as if Hazel and Cad ought to be there too.
The Ladies Union met here. had an awful time. Jean was over for a little while. We went up to the library. I want Cad and Hazel to come back so much.
Nell Hasson came this morning. The folks went off for a picnic. Jean and Beulah were down for a while. Was over to Katheryn’s. Sat on the floor with my head in her lap. I like her so very much.
Too hot to live. Went walking with Jean and Mrs. Wallace. She ought to be very happy with such a mother and father as she has. Went to church with Nell Hasson.
We had an awful thunder storm last night. Geo, Nell and I had a hose fight. Have been sort of crazy ever since. Busted two dishes and dropped a big bowl of salad all over everything. Was down to Jeans this p.m. Miss Barthol is going down to Mexico. It will be awfully nice for Miss Gantt, but lonesome for us girls.
Got a dandy fine letter from Cad – bless her heart. We will see her in a week. Can hardly wait. Jean is staying with me tonight.
Went to sleep about one. Early. I simply cannot get over that letter. She said she was lonely sometimes too. Can hardly wait until Tuesday.
Cleaned house all day. Nell had some girls over for supper. Went to prayer meeting. The subject; Forgiveing(sic) and Forgetting. Certainly stuck me hard. Katheryn led. Dandy meeting too.
Had a marshmallow roast in Hoffman’s pasture. I am going to stay with my Jean tonight. Am kind of lonesome. Worked till four o’clock this p.m. Was over to Erma’s a little while.
Mamma and Geo went over into Iowa. Nell and I stayed home and did the work. Rode three miles on a wheel today. Had a dandy auto ride with Ellis’es. Heard from Miss Gantt. Guess she is getting lonesome only three more days – and then –Joy!
Hassan’s and Ryan’s were here for dinner. Read all afternoon. Jean and I went riding and then to church. Only two more days. Wrote to Hazel.
It has been so hot today. I am so tired that I’m silly. Went into hysterics this noon. Was down to Jeans. She and her mother were here after supper. Prehaps(sic) I am going to Soo City tomarrow(sic).
Jean, Geo and I went to the ballgame. Missed the morning train so went on noon freight. Car busted at Jefferson. Reached city at 3:30 so didn’t have time to shop. I wonder if Caroline came. Haven’t seen her.
Saw Caroline this morning. Don’t believe I ever was so glad to see anyone before – except Hazel. Jean and I went over for a while after supper. Guess she isn’t going until next week. Joy!
Went up to the schoolhouse with Miss French and Cicers. It made me so lonesome to think – Wonder if Hazel will answer that crazy letter? Was down to Jeans a little while and then went to prayer meeting.
Stayed with Jean last night. Went to sleep so early. jean and I were over to Caroline’s a little while. had some fun at M.E. Church.
Miss Cromwell came this morning. Am so tired. Jean was down this p.m.
I will never never forget tonight. Went over to Crill’s to bid Caroline goodbye. We sat out on the porch and talked. She said she cared – and she loved me always, always. She said I ought to take care of Erma. She always understands when one is lonely. I love her. I love her. I love her.
Camping at Walsh bridge. Fellow tried to drive us out. Rain, wind, thunder.
Came home tonight my face looks like a pickled beet - feels like it too. Caroline is going in the morning.
Didn’t see Cad again. Oliver went this morning. Painted a little while this p.m. Got a short note from Hazel and a card from Winifred. Think it’s about time she was writing. Jean was down this p.m. She sure is a big help for me.