Thursday, March 1, 2007


Tuesday. March 1


Miss Raymond, Y.W. State Secretary is here. They are having a cabinet meeting down stairs, but I am up here, all by myself studying and thinking.


We had our Y.W. meeting tonight. I helped to serve. Jean and I walked a little while afterwards. Dear old Jean, I wish I could join when she does – but I can’t.


Program – a mock trial this p.m. Erma, Sadie and I were over to Hoffman’s for supper. We laughed until we cried – just at nothing.


Went out to Compton’s pasture on a picnic. Sadie and I made houses in the sand.


Irma promised to come to S.S., but she didn’t. I’m so lonesome tonight.



“Nawthin’ doin’”


Y.W. meeting. Had to stay for Mr. Fehn. Fun not fuss” “Came from Mr. Thourton’s Store.” I am ashamed of myself.


I went over to Miss Frenches tonight. My, but she is good to me. I believe she and H. and Cad are the best people I ever saw and how much I love them all. She talked about Irma and Jean, etc…. She told me a little story about herself and I just can’t answer what she wants me to, th’o I would love to please her and Jean and Hazel. I don’t mean Hazel because she wouldn’t care anyway.

11 - 16

What a lonesome, lonesome birthday!! Jean stayed all night with me. She says she is waiting, but how can I tell her. She would hate me worse than ever. I don’t see how she can like me even a little tiny bit and I don’t want her to dislike me, because I do love her so. And I could not tell her anyway. I couldn’t get up the courage and I just don’t know how. I am such a lonely little girl. If I could only see my father for just one minute. Why, oh why could I not have died instead of him? No one would have cared. And what is the use of living anyway? I could almost believe that there is no God; or why must everything be so lonesome and dark and dreary? And how could I join any church when I feel like I do? And how can I ever tell my Jean?

(Bottom of the page is torn off).

17 – 25


Oh dear, everything has gone wrong today. Am so tired and lonesome. Nobody loves me so I’m going out in the garden and eat worms.


I went to prayer meeting tonight. Miss French said something about that everything we wanted most here on earth, we would have in Heaven. I wonder if Miss Gantt and Cad will love me just a little bit there, if I ever get there which is very doubtful.


Cad is just the nicest, best person I ever knew. Of course I love Hazel and Jean just as much, but Cad – she sure is a dandy. Guess I am crazy over her.


Jean went to Miss Sweets this morning. Seems lonesome already and she had just been gone for a day.


Cleaned house this morning. Went to Y.W. this p.m. There were only seven of us there, but we had a good meeting, anyway.


Sadie and I cleaned our room. It was frightfully dirty. Jean, Suds and I went picking violets. We only found fifteen. Jean seemed awfully blue, poor kid.