Thursday, February 1, 2007


Tuesday. February 1

Went to gym. Not much fun. Papa sat up a little today. Miss Sweezy and Miss Miller are coming from Vermillion to visit the Y.W. girls. Rehearsed twice today.


Had a good Y.W. meeting. Didn’t stay for the supper in basement for Miss S. and M. as I didn’t feel very well. Went up to the gym for a little while. Not much fun.


Went to prayer meeting. Boxed Fatty’s ear and so of course got called down. I don’t care, he had no business swiping my pencil box. Am scared stiff. Program tomarrow.


Thank goodness! Today is almost gone. It has been terribly long. Miss Bartholemew(sic) hurt my feelings today. Most made me cry. I can’t bear to have her or Miss Gantt scold me and I do try so hard to be good. I don’t seem to be able to please them th’o.

5 - 7

8 Wednesday (This is the day Flo’s father, Edward Charles Ericson, died).

9 - 11

12, 13, 14

Such long, terribly long days. It seems as th’o they will never end. But everyone has been so good and so kind. We can never thank them enough. Wednesday eve when I came down stairs Miss French took me up on her lap and held me so close and Cad put me to bed and Blanche and everybody have been too good to me I don’t deserve it one bit.

15 – 28