Saturday, September 1, 2007


Thursday. September 1

Have been helping Nell pass all day. Kate, Charles and Jess were here for supper. Played croquet a little while afterward. Won. Sadie is coming tomarrow(sic). I will be so glad to see her.



Miss Montgomery and Miss Beebee(sic) are going to room here. Haven’t seen Miss Beebe yet. Hope I like her. She can’t come up to Cad th’o. Have worked so hard. Miss French wanted me to come over, but Mamma was sick. Sadie didn’t come. I am so afraid she is sick. Jean was down this p.m. She and I went riding.


Miss Mont., Miss Beebe and I went for a short drive. Sadie came this p.m. Think it’s about time. Jean and Tolly were over. I like the new teachers better than I tho’t I would – but I wish Cad and hazel were here.


The first day of school and I’m as lonesome as can be. Got all my new books. Wish I was going to take German.


Am so very tired. Sadie and I “visited” the carnival. Am full of confetti – inside and out. Had hysterics after school – I’m crazy in my head. Haven’t any of my lessons. Got a card from Caroline.


Only four in all the West High in school this p.m. Went to M.E. Supper. Suds and I went up to carnival. Am full of confetti, powder and flour. Fun


Nothing doing. Don’t like Miss Wolcott at all – or Mr. Deyo either. Study – study – study. Makes me sick.


I am so very glad this week is over. Am so tired of school. Grandma Hayes was ninety years old today. Mamma had a birthday party for her.


Sadie, Jean, Grace and Myrtle H. and I went out to Compton’s for our supper. Had quite a good time. Studied this p.m. Wanted Jean so much tonight, but she could not come.


Am so very tired and lonely tonight. I want Caroline so very, very much just now.


Geo came home from Soo City with an auto. It certainly is a beauty. Am in love with it already th’o haven’t had a ride. Have been sick as a dog. Dr. Ellis said I couldn’t go to school tomarrow(sic). I am so sorry – (nit) – Make me take horrid medicine.


Trying to keep alive on milk and broth. Makes me mad. Haven’t been to school blessed relief. Had a dandy ride. Feel better tonight.


Got a card from Caroline. Took a little ride, but it rained so had to come home. Feel about as lively as a petrified clam.


Went to pryaer meeting. Still studying. Jean’s grandmother died today. Sadie and I took her books up to her. Am awfully tired. Wish Jean was here.


Talk about tired! Sadie and I were over to see Miss Wolcott a little while this evening. Missed Jean so much in school today.


We went for a picnic over in the Iowa Hills. It was so dreadfully hot and the picnic was a dismal failure. Was busy thinking of other things – Jean and Hazel and Can.


We have had the most glorious ride today. Went over to Jefferson and thru the hills home. Jean was with us. After church tonight we went about ten miles. I certainly love that car.

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Got a card from Caroline. Wrote a long letter to Hazel. Praised the new teachers up to the skies (like fun).


Went to prayer meeting. Jean was down a little while after school. It rained awfully hard last night so the folks may not go to Parker tomarrow(sic). Got a letter from Hazel.

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Made candy and sent it to Caroline.

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Folks went to Parker.


Haven’t written for such a long time in this crazy diary. Have forgotten everything. Sadie and I went ticktacking. Saw a swell love affair at Peter’s.


Jean is going to stay all night. We are writing cards to Miss Hoase and Miss Wolcott. Talk about being snobbed. Whew!