Friday. April 1
Haven’t done much of anything today – got a postal from Miss Gantt. J.U.G. met at Elsie’s and we had a dandy time. Jean is going to stay all night.
Irma and Helen were over this p.m. Played croquet, ate peanuts, etc. Am nearly dead. J and I didn't go to sleep until after 3:00 and I am “still waiting.” I guess she don't want to tell me so I am not going to ask her anymore.
Jean went to church with Fehn and Kit. I never hated anyone before as I hate him. He is the only one in the world whom I hate and I hate him with all my heart.
4 & 5
Got a grand lecture this p.m. Fehn gave me thunder just because I laughed. Said if I couldn’t behave myself I could get out. I warned him of the fact that if he could not behave as a gentleman, I would get out and in a hurry too. So I skidooed into Miss B.’s room and studied in there. He was mad as a hornet. Am going to stay all night with Irma.
Jean did go to Y.W. so I didn’t enjoy it any either. Am dreadfully lonesome tonight. Am over here at Crills. Cad kissed me goodnight. The darling. I just love her. I wish she liked me just a little.
7 & 8
Mamma came home tonight. I got the nicest note from Jean today. And it helped me a lot. I am going to try to be as good as she is. She told me why she wouldn’t join the church. I hate to think that I had anything to do in keeping her from it. I believe Mr. Fehn had something to do with it th’o she didn’t say anything about it. I wish so much that she had joined. I wanted her to so much.
Worked until 4 p.m. Suds and I gathered violets down to Vinson’s. Took our supper along. Am so tired. I wish Jean were here.
10 & 11
Wanted to go down to Wallace’s, but couldn’t. Saw Miss G., but she didn’t even speak to me. If she knew how much it hurts my feelings and how lonely it makes me feel, she would take special pains to say ‘Hello’ at any rate. Sadie told me tonight that she wasn’t coming back. Oh dear and I need her so much. I just don’t know what to do. I will have to love Jean and Cad more than ever when she goes.
Got thunder from Fehn. Someone wrote “Kick me” on his back. I nearly died. Wrote a book review tonight.
13 & 14
Jean, Miss G. and I went riding. I couldn’t help but think all the time how lonesome it would be next year without her. She said we would get someone here who could do us more good. Like fun! Just as th’o she wasn’t the best and nicest teacher we have ever had. And she had done oceans of good here, too. I don’t see why on earth she had to go and resign. I do wish she hadn’t, oh dear, oh dear.
Program this p.m. The music was the only good thing in it. Jean sang just fine. Fehn spoiled it all by getting up at the last and making a crazy old speech.
Made $3 up at our Y.W. candy sale. Jean was down this p.m. We were both feeling dreadfully blue and I am yet. We sat in the sitting room on the lounge and enjoyed ourselves crying. I just couldn’t help it.
Froze everything last night – snow. Jean was down for dinner. She told me that Miss Gantt said we were backsliding and that we were farther away now than ever before. I am so discouraged I don’t know what to do.
I was trying so hard to be good, but it seems as th’o everything goes wrong. Oh dear, oh dear. I wish my dear, my Jean were here.
Jean has the chicken pox. I was down to see her. Am so glad she isn’t very sick. She said she squalled all p.m. Poor kid, I know how she feels. Nell came home tonight.
Carried Miss G.’s coat and book down to Wallace’s for her. She said she would love me forever if I did. I wish that she meant it. We went riding after supper. Crill’s pony tagged us. Lots of fun. Felt sort of blue th’o. We rode out west towards a beautiful sunset. She said it seemed as th’o we were riding into nowhere away away from Elk Point.
Test in geom. Terrible. Got 96 in Hist. Went to prayer meeting. Sat with Cad. She certainly is an angel if there ever was one. Guess she was awfully tired ‘cause she cried – a little. Coming home she held me, oh so tight, and kissed me goodnight!
Sadie told me that Cad said I was a good girl and was trying to live up to everything the Y.W. meant. I am trying all right, but I am not good – not even a little bit. Mildred came tonight. Helen, Dorothy and Miss. Gantt were here for supper. Was scared still.
Worked all daylong. Mamma left the water turned on and tried to drown us out. Wind is blowing like fury out. Jean is going to stay all night with me. Am so glad cause I am feeling sort of blue.
Mildred went home this morning. Jean and I went walking this p.m. Went to C.E. and church. Neither Miss G. or Cad were there. Am so sleepy.
Had a fight with Fehn again today. Ix S. kept bothering me and as long as Fehn wouldn’t do anything, I slapped Ix myself. Of course I was the one who had to stay until five o’clock.
Miss G. was gone all day long. No prose comp. Nothing doing. Am dreadfully tired.
Miss G. scolded me. Made me feel bad. Went to Y.W. have rheumatism, a stiff neck, etc. Feel perfectly punk.
Miss G. went to Mitchell. Was at prayer meeting. Miss B. wasn’t there. Was over to Erma’s a little while. Got 87 in Eng. test. Tho’t sure I would fail.
Oh that Fehn, the old liar! Hipocrite!(sic) dog! Oh, how I hate him. If I could only kill him. I hate I hate him.
Work, work, work. Can hardly see straight.