Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Sunday. May

1 – 3


Am so lonesome and blue tonight that I don’t know what to do. Went to an oratorical contest at opera house. Sat by Miss Gantt. I can’t realize that she will be gone in just one month.


Mr. Fehn almost killed Tom Fennel this p.m. The kids just let into him and told him what they tho’t of such actions. He gave me fits in the office.


Program this p.m. Was scared stiff. Came home and worked. Am so tired.


Work, work, work. Sadie turned the hose on me this p.m. and just soaked me. Haven’t seen Jean or anyone all day.


I am so tired and discouraged. It seems as th’o I just can’t be good and Miss G. is going away so soon and oh dear, what’s to the use of living, anyway.


Grace K. and H., Myrtle, Suds and I went out to Stickneys pasture with our supper. Played chalk – the rabbit afterwards. Jean had to take her music lesson so couldn’t go. Spoiled all the fun for me.


Was over to Frenches a little while last night. Miss F. said all her friends had deserted her – the I never came to see her anymore ‘cause I was afraid Mr. Fehn would be there and that Miss G. never came for the same reason.


Y.W. meeting. Neither Cad nor Miss Gantt were there. Am so tired. Miss F. and I were down to Wallace’s. Miss G. walked home with us.


Went to prayer meeting. Test in geom. I didn’t take it. He said, “You must.” I said, “I won’t,” etc. Grand old mix-up. Got 95 in Hist. test.


Nobody loves me; everybody hates me.


Went to depot, met Nell. Took Miss Gantt home, then to Wallace’s. Ix came out 4th place. Am going to stay all night with Jean.


At 2:00 we went to sleep, so am rather tired. Only 3 more weeks of Fehn – seems ages yet, but – we will only have Miss G. 3 more too and it seems such a little while.


Studied until 5:30. Fehn made me stay for geom. It’s just pouring down. Got soaked coming home.


Sadie and I had a fight tonight and busted the bed. Took test in geom. I hated to go over to Bovees and I dearly love to be stubborn, but I hated to get zero, too.


Didn’t go to Y.W., but came home and worked. Am dreadfully tired. Got 100 in Geom. test.


Geom. test this p.m. Suds and I went to Vermillion. Saw “The Autigone” of Sophocles – old Greek play. The costumes were fine and I enjoyed it very much.


Track meet today. Saw Miss G. at oratorical contest. Ix came out 5th place. Ha d a little adventure coming home at 1:00 o’clock.


Concert this eve – Minn. Symphony orchestra played “Pilgrims Chorus” etc. Sure was fine. Read all p.m. slept until 10: a.m. Am sleepy now th’o 12: o’clock – and lonesome, too.


Saw the comet at last.

Came home this p.m. Walked up to Flannery’s with Miss Gantt. Jean went to church with us. Dear old Jean. She kissed me and it made me feel so happy, because she hardly ever does anything like that and I appreciated it. Made me feel sort o’ blue th’o too. Don’t know why. Guess cause I was feeling punk anyway.


A.O.B. have a surprize(sic) party on Miss Gantt. I think it is awfully nice of them. Am home alone. Wish Jean were here.


Went riding. Am so tired and Miss Gantt is going away so soon. I do hope she will be happy wherever she is. I am sure that God will take care of her, because He loves her as much as I do.


Fight with Fehn. Great old Time. Got sent from room. 95 in Caesar test. Am lonesome. Nothing doing.


Only one week more and she will be gone. Walked down to Flannery’s with Miss Gantt. She is going way down to Mexico this summer. If she were only, only coming back next fall. Oh, I don’t want her to go. I want her here.


Am tired, tired as usual. Miss Barth is sick. She hasn’t been to school all day long. I took some papers over and she certainly looked tired. I love her so much. Jean and I were over a little while this eve. Dear old Jean.


Worked all day long. Sadie took exam in geom. See the time I would go down to the schoolhouse and take an exam with only Fehn there.


Miss Gantt’s last Sunday. I just can’t write.


Margaret is going to stay all night. Am dreadfully tired. We got scared out and skidooed.

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