Sunday, July 1, 2007


Friday. July 1

Haven’t seen Jean. Am going over to Hoffman’s for supper. Went up to the library.


Had a dandy swim down to Nolan’s. Jean is going to stay all night with me. I just want to take her in my arms and hold her so tight – but she don’t want me to.


Went to sleep sometime after two. Oh dear, oh dear, I can’t help Jean or anyone. Mrs. Wallace got a 10 page letter from Miss Gantt. She said it was for Jean and me too. She is certainly having a great time.


The great and glorious Fourth! Jean and I were together all day. The baloon(sic) ascension was fine. Bet I have walked 50 miles today. Am nearly dead.


Painted today. Was over to Hoffman’s for supper. Got a card from Miss Gantt. Ironed from 7:20 – 9:00 this eve. Am not very tired, th’o.


Mamma went to Sioux City. Jess, Edwin and I had a picnic over on banks of Missouri. Walked on the sand bar. Am so hot and tired and dirty. Haven’t seen Jean.


Send a card to Hazel. Stayed home all day and took care of Mamma. She is sick in bed. Went up to Jeans this evening. Played croquet. Won both games. Mrs. W. and I gainst Mr. Wallace and Mildred Thor


Have been busy taking care of Mamma. Edwin and I drove down to Vinson’s after buttermilk. The sky was beautiful and I longed for Miss Gantt beside me riding out into “nowhere”.


Miss French is staying with mamma tonight. She certainly is good if anyone is. (Except Hazel and Jean. They are best). Was up to the dentists this morning. Got a letter from Miss Gantt. I love her so. Haven’t seen my Jean for two whole days. Am so lonely tonight.


Haven’t seen anyone and that means Jean, cause she’s everything to me. Got a card from Miss Bartholomew. Wish I could see her and Miss Gantt.


Was up to the dentist again. Had three teeth filled and am nearly dead. Painted for three hours this p.m. on my goose plate. My back nearly broke bending over that old outline. Haven’t seen Jean.


Painted today. Got my forget-me-not plate ready for another fireing(sic) and worked on my goose plate. Saw Jean at last. She is going in a week. How I will miss her! She and I bo’t a weeks supply of postals. HaHa


Nell and I did the washing all alone. Was down and to Jeans for supper. Played croquet. Mr. Reyo selected 10 prop upon which my exam will be based. Joy!


Worked all morning. Painted all afternoon. Played croquet. Jean was down this evening. I wish she was my sister so I could be with her all the time.


Jean and I are going to sleep on Hoffman’s house tonight. Had an awful time making our bed. Quite easy to haul a great big mattress up the ladder and thru a hole about a foot square. Oh yes.


We had a great time last night. When we lit the candle I know someone saw us. Didn’t go to sleep until after two. Woke up at four and at six. Jean stayed here until time to take her Latin less. She wrote a letter which she hadn’t ought to have written and sent it to Hazel.


Helped Miss French with a blackboard exsercise(sic). Was down to Jeans for supper. She and I went to church and C.E. Subj. was Letter Writing. Wish someone in Maravatio would cultivate the habit.


Have studied and read all day. Went down to Jeans after Lad. Naughty dog. Played croquet. Jean is going Thurs. See where I spend some pretty lonely days.


Painted today. Started a tea tile. Wanted to go down to Jeans, but couldn’t. Made me tired. Am reading “The Count of Monte Cristo”. It surely is interesting.


Very appropriate cards – “Sneeze, your brain’s dusty”. “Does you love me, ‘hun’? Then stick your tongue in my mouf.” “Be good and keep your nose clean “I’m a cleaner, come and get cleaned.”


Jean went away today, am blue as can be. Nell and a whole gang of girls went down to the Sioux this p.m. Wish I could see Miss Bartholemew.


Went down to Vinson’s last night. Just got home. Rode horseback. Am awfully tired – but anyway I went south. Mrs. Beattie and Hazel Vohner were over this evening.


Took my geom. exam. Know I’ll flunk. Wrote only thirteen pages. Maybe I wasn’t tired when I got thru – and maybe I was. Ice cream social in court house yard. Helped wait on the table. Wish Jean would write.


Mr. Beattie, Carrie R and the Stickney’s were here for dinner. Talk about dishes! I am so tired. Maud, Jess and I went driving. They certainly are limits.


Heard from Jean at last. Have read her letter over and over. She certainly is the dearest ever. Lucile, Erma and I went to Richland on a picnic. Went boat riding, lost an oar and had lots of fun.


Ironed from 8:00 till 12:30. Painted from 1:00 till 6:30. I certainly am tired. Erma and I went to the show. Am staying all night with her. We are going on a picnic at Riverside. Missed Jean so much at our painting lesson.


Got up at 5:00. Started at 6:30. Went to the city twice. Went roller skating on the figure eight, got caught in a storm on the way home – but had a dandy time.


Was sick as a dog last night. Slept ‘till almost noon. George came yesterday. Wish Jean would write. Seems as if she has been gone ages instead of only a week.


Ma Fox and Maud are gone so I am staying all night with Blanche. She is down in the hammock with her Artie. Was up to the library this p.m. Got a card from Katheryn.


Got a picture of Miss Gantt taken with her pupils. She looks so dear. I just wanted to see her more than ever – but I can kiss the picture of her dear face anyway. S’pose I’m silly.


Edwin came today. The Hoffman’s were over for dinner. Dishes! Dishes! I’m nearly dead. Went to church all alone. Wish Jean were here.

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