Saturday, December 1, 2007


Thursday. December 1

Got a letter from Caroline. Was so happy to hear from her. If she were only here and I could talk and talk and talk with her.


Test in Algebra. Know I’ll flunk. Sadie is down to Wallace’s. Maybe I was right after all. Am so tired. Geo has gone and we moved back in our old room.


Jean is here tonight. I love her so very, very much – We came upstairs after supper and sat here in the dark. I held her so very close in my arms and I shall always, always love her.


Went down to Jean’s this p.m. and made candy. Enjoyed myself so much. No letter today. We certainly traced up a certain thing – first I to Cad, Cad to me to Hazel, Hazel to Jean, Jean to Hazel and Hazel to me.


Letter from Hazel. She said she wasn’t coming Christmas. All my hopes have gone up the toot. Got 91 in that Algebra. Didn’t deserve it.


Laughed and laughed and laughed today ‘till I couldn’t laugh anymore. Makes my sides ache when I think of it. Sadie got a letter from Cad – She isn’t coming Christmas either. O dear, o dear. Why couldn’t it have been different.


Letter from Caroline – the very dearest letter also one for Y.W. girls. Met at Nell Peter’s – am so tired and sick tonight. I want my Cad.


Am so sleepy tonight. Popped corn. Didn’t study a bit – just couldn’t. Miss Beebe and Miss Mont. were downstairs all evening. Miss Beebe is so comical. I wish Caroline or Hazel or Jean were here. I wish they were all here – just now.

9 – 14



George has the appendicitis. Oh dear. Talk about your troubles, he sure has it hard. Wonder if I will hear that old fire whistle tonight. 98 in Eng test. 100 in Music.


Test in History – a hard one. I couldn’t think – my head ached so. Jean let me read her long letter from Hazel. All except a little bit the part I wanted most. Miss Wolcott, Sadie, I driving.



Haven’t been out doors today except when I sneaked off uptown after the mail – and then didn’t get any. Made fudge. Wrote to Miss Gantt – expected Jean down, but guess she couldn’t come.

19, 20

End of Florence Ericson’s 1910 diary. On the last undated page is a hand written poem written by Florence about Mr. Fehn. She had told us many times about a teacher who had told his class that they had done so poorly on a test that he didn’t think it worth the trouble to hand back. She found the stack of papers by the incinerator where he had forgotten them and handed them out in class. When he found out he stepped toward her. At that time the boys in the class came forward between the teacher and Florence to protect her. The teacher then backed down, but because of this, he failed her and she had to make up the class in the summer.

“If he say so,

may his pernicious soul

Rot half a grain a day! –

he lies to the heart.”

“Whip him, ye devils,

Blow him about in winds, roast him in sulphur,

Wash him in steep – down gulfs of liquid fire.”

“All the infections that the sun sucks up

From bogs, fens flats on

Fehn fall, and make him

By inch – meal a disease!”

“Poison be his drink!”

“Beyond the infinate and boundless reach

Of mercy, art thou damned.”

“If heaven hath any grievous plague in store,

Exceeding those that I can wish upon thee

O, let them keep it, till thy sins be ripe,

and then hurl down their indignation on thee;

the troubler of the poor world’s peace.”

“The devil damn thee black,

thou cream – fac’d loon!

Where got’st thou that goose look?”

“May the grass wither from they feet.

the woods Deny thee shelter!

Earth a home! the dust a grave!

the sun his light! and heaven her God!

“I had rather chop off this hand at a blow

And with the other fling it at thy face.”

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Tuesday. November 1

Sadie and I moved all our stuff from Nell’s room. She and George came home this p.m. Went for a joy ride. Erma is going to stay all night. She is a dear girl.


Read Cad’s letter at Y.E. tonight. Sadie and I were out to Myrtle’s today. I think she is a fine teacher. Nearly froze.



Football game with Vermillion. 31 to 0 in our favor. Mildred was down for dinner and decided to stay until tomarrow(sic). Jean was down this evening.


Sioux City today. New hat, shoes, dress, etc. Came home in ‘Bill’. Talk about cold!! Have to wash eyes out every day. Have sort of eye epidemic. Am going back in a couple of weeks.


Union S.S. at Methodist church. Went for a long auto ride over across the river. Home by hills.


Nothing much doing.



Election today. Helped Miss French. Hoase makes me sick “I’m the big gun here, the guy what know it all.”


Went down to Jean’s. Played flinch and somerset.


Football game tomarrow at Vermillion. Geo, Sadie and I are going with ‘Bill’.


Game came out 0 to 0.

13 – 15


Jean got a letter from Hazel. She said in it that she loved us two girls. That she hated to think we didn’t always live up to the standard we had set. She wondered if Jean and I were just as good friends as ever. She couldn’t imagine it being any other way. Jean stayed all night and she told me all this. We had such a nice long talk and I’m so much happier than I was.

Grace K, L.V. and Alice E, Jean and I are going to wait on tables at P.E.D. party at Stickney’s.


Report cards at last. Alg 95, Eng 97, Hist 96, Music 98, deport 96. Joy.


Am so tired. If only Cad were here.


We went out to Missouri with picnic dinner. Miss Beebe and Miss Montgomery went too. Had a pretty good time.


Mr. Tone is here today. Sadie has been gone all day long. Was down to Jeans a little while.


Hoase lost her deportment list. Left in on Jean’s desk. Lots of fun. Today is Miss Beebe’s birthday. All the teachers are here.


Test in Music. Tired? Oh no.


Y.W. at Fickey’s. That ornery Sadie made me sit by Hoase. Lucile beorned her deportment list. Got a letter from Caroline.


Thanksgiving! and such a long, lonesome day it has been. Went to church this morning. I’m especially thankful today that I have such good friends – Jean and Caroline and Hazel.


Went to Hawarden in ‘Bill’. Blowout. Lights wouldn’t work – ‘Bill’ went dead almost at top of big hill. Had a great time backing down “into a bottomless pit”.


Ruth, Nell and I slept in haymow – Lost my stocking. Had another blowout coming home. Am so tired and so glad to be home again.


Read nearly all day. Mrs. Beattie is sick in bed so didn’t have junior.


George sold ‘Bill’. No more joy rides for us.


Gained two points in deportment today. Played 4 games of worth while. Heard from Hazel and how glad I was to get her letter.


Sadie got Y.W. letter. Y.W. at Mackey’s. Feel so out of sorts tonight. Don’t see why I couldn’t have been born bright and smart and good too.

Monday, October 1, 2007


Saturday. October 1

Went riding this p.m. Nell came home. Seems good to see her again. Sadie and I apologized to Miss Hoase.


Mamma has done nothing but scold since she came home. Have got it on all sides. Oh dear, I wish Caroline was here this afternoon. If she only, only were!

3, 4 & 5

Got a letter from Hazel. She seemed so surprised because I didn’t love these old teachers. She wouldn’t love them either if she knew that Miss Hoase picked blackheads out of her nose in school. Ugh! She simply makes me crawl. Oh dear, oh dear and she said she wanted to hear good reports next time, but I can’t love them – never not as I do the old – and she said she was sure that I loved her and Caroline. If she only knew how much!


Played som’er’set. Went for a short ride. Wrote Cad and Hazel. Haven’t studied much and it’s nearly eleven already.


Football game with Hawarden – 27-0 in our favor. Went to “We Are King”. Jean is staying all night with me.


Went to Hawarden after Nell. Certainly had a glorious ride. I drove the car a little while and managed to hit the road once in a while, too.


Folks went up to Parker and we are alone again. I got a letter from Caroline. I love her, love her so much. She is still dreadfully homesick, bless her heart. I am so sorry for her.


Went over to Rice’s again. Took Miss French out campaigning. Had lots of fun down to Heukie’s.


What a time we have had today. Went over to Miller’s and pulled the screen door. They chased us. Caught Sade – almost. “You little pup you! You had better get out of here or I’ll throw this rock at you.”


Y.W. met here tonight. Jean is staying with us. Those crazy kids set the alarm clock at 12:30 and put it in the teacher's bed! S'pose I'll be blamed. I want Caroline so much.


The folks are coming home tomarrow(sic). Sadie nearly was smashed this morning by all the quilts, mattress springs and a chair. Wonder how it happened.


Had lots of fun. Folks came home. Grace H., Sadie and I ate supper out to Missouri. Later went driving. Said a few things to Miss Hoase – silly.


Went out to Mosher’s woods in the car. The woods were so beautiful and the moon so bright and the leaves so soft that we decided to stay all night.


Parker boys and Miss Davis were here today. Nell went back. Went for an auto drive. Sadie and Mamma drove the car. Went to Jean’s, but she wasn’t home.


Have had lots of fun. Sadie and Jean almost went into hysterics over something. Geo poked Jean and Jean poked Sadie. Where? Ha! Ha!


Nothing doing.


Miss Hoase led Y.W. Popped corn. Am so tired.


Was so tired I couldn’t study so am going to bed. S’pose I’ll flunk out in that English test. George went to Egase.


Came home and worked. Played so’m’erset after supper instead of study. H.S. boys played with town boys. H.S. boys won 11-0


Haven’t written here for a week. have frogotten, but guess Sadie will help me. Made bauberry torts. We are going down to Jean’s.


Grace and Myrtle Homer, Sadie and I went out to the Missouri River where they are building dikes. Maylaid Mary Hayes and made her give us her horse – Lots of fun.


Went out to H.S. party at Coory’s – Boys swiped our grub – If they’re so blamed hard up that they can’t buy there own stuff, why didn’t they ask and we would have given them a handout. Sickening young smarts.


Grandma Hayes fell and broke her arm. Doctor says it will never get well. Too bad. Sticky was here of course. Bah! Makes me sick.


Had Y. W. down to Wallace’s. Quite a few more there. Got 98 in my Hist. test. Am staying with Jean. Went to sleep studying. Guess I’ll go to bed. Sleepy.


Sadie got a Y.W. letter from Miss Bartholomew. Had our first show today. Miss Hoase lost her petticoat twice. Wish she would dress before she comes to school.


Joy! Joy! My deportment is 95 so I have some hopes of being exempt. Only Sadie, Alice, Grace and I have been good enough. It pays to be good when you can have a weeks vacation.


Mrs. Fennel died tonight. I feel so sorry for those poor girls.


Jean was here for dinner. Went riding for a while and then to church. Got a letter from Caroline – the very dearest letter.


Went out for a while. Didn’t have much fun. Crowd too tough. Jean is staying all night I am so glad.

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Thursday. September 1

Have been helping Nell pass all day. Kate, Charles and Jess were here for supper. Played croquet a little while afterward. Won. Sadie is coming tomarrow(sic). I will be so glad to see her.



Miss Montgomery and Miss Beebee(sic) are going to room here. Haven’t seen Miss Beebe yet. Hope I like her. She can’t come up to Cad th’o. Have worked so hard. Miss French wanted me to come over, but Mamma was sick. Sadie didn’t come. I am so afraid she is sick. Jean was down this p.m. She and I went riding.


Miss Mont., Miss Beebe and I went for a short drive. Sadie came this p.m. Think it’s about time. Jean and Tolly were over. I like the new teachers better than I tho’t I would – but I wish Cad and hazel were here.


The first day of school and I’m as lonesome as can be. Got all my new books. Wish I was going to take German.


Am so very tired. Sadie and I “visited” the carnival. Am full of confetti – inside and out. Had hysterics after school – I’m crazy in my head. Haven’t any of my lessons. Got a card from Caroline.


Only four in all the West High in school this p.m. Went to M.E. Supper. Suds and I went up to carnival. Am full of confetti, powder and flour. Fun


Nothing doing. Don’t like Miss Wolcott at all – or Mr. Deyo either. Study – study – study. Makes me sick.


I am so very glad this week is over. Am so tired of school. Grandma Hayes was ninety years old today. Mamma had a birthday party for her.


Sadie, Jean, Grace and Myrtle H. and I went out to Compton’s for our supper. Had quite a good time. Studied this p.m. Wanted Jean so much tonight, but she could not come.


Am so very tired and lonely tonight. I want Caroline so very, very much just now.


Geo came home from Soo City with an auto. It certainly is a beauty. Am in love with it already th’o haven’t had a ride. Have been sick as a dog. Dr. Ellis said I couldn’t go to school tomarrow(sic). I am so sorry – (nit) – Make me take horrid medicine.


Trying to keep alive on milk and broth. Makes me mad. Haven’t been to school blessed relief. Had a dandy ride. Feel better tonight.


Got a card from Caroline. Took a little ride, but it rained so had to come home. Feel about as lively as a petrified clam.


Went to pryaer meeting. Still studying. Jean’s grandmother died today. Sadie and I took her books up to her. Am awfully tired. Wish Jean was here.


Talk about tired! Sadie and I were over to see Miss Wolcott a little while this evening. Missed Jean so much in school today.


We went for a picnic over in the Iowa Hills. It was so dreadfully hot and the picnic was a dismal failure. Was busy thinking of other things – Jean and Hazel and Can.


We have had the most glorious ride today. Went over to Jefferson and thru the hills home. Jean was with us. After church tonight we went about ten miles. I certainly love that car.

19, 20


Got a card from Caroline. Wrote a long letter to Hazel. Praised the new teachers up to the skies (like fun).


Went to prayer meeting. Jean was down a little while after school. It rained awfully hard last night so the folks may not go to Parker tomarrow(sic). Got a letter from Hazel.

23, 24


Made candy and sent it to Caroline.

26, 27


Folks went to Parker.


Haven’t written for such a long time in this crazy diary. Have forgotten everything. Sadie and I went ticktacking. Saw a swell love affair at Peter’s.


Jean is going to stay all night. We are writing cards to Miss Hoase and Miss Wolcott. Talk about being snobbed. Whew!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Monday. August 1

We were all going swimming at the Sioux and everyone backed out except Nell and me. So we went without them, off to the Missouri. Blanche went too. She heard from Cad. Wish she would write to me.


Painted this p.m. Played croquet. Mamma and I won both games against Nell and George. It stormed like sixty out tonight. Scared me, so it did.


I am so lonesome tonight. Will be so glad when Jean comes home. ‘Spose that’s awfully selfish when I know she is having such a good time. But I can’t help but wish she were here if only for a minute. I want and need her so much.


Went to prayer meeting. I feel so much alone tonight. I want Hazel so much. How I wish I was worthy to be loved by her and that she loved me.


Jean came home today. Was so glad to see her. She br’ot me the dearest hatpin. She is too good to me. I am so tired I can hardly stand up.


Drove to Uncle Eric’s this morning. It took us eight hours – all because of a few birds. Ruth and I went to Alcester this evening. I am rather tired.


Today hasn’t seemed much like Sunday. Ruth and I road horseback for eight miles. Wrote to Hazel. Wish Jean were here – I’m so terribly lonely. Have cried myself to sleep for the last two weeks. Wish I were dead.


Charlie and I road 4 miles. Guess that was too much I am so stiff. Drove home this p.m. Got the nicest letter from Hazel. I love her and miss her so. It makes me ashamed of myself more than ever when I read her letter. She said she was proud of me. She wouldn’t be if she knew –


Am staying all night with Jean. I am so happy to have her home again. But Hazel is so far away so I can’t be perfectly happy.


We went over into Iowa today. It is raining out now and the wind is blowing like fury. Cad isn't coming back next year. I'm so sorry -–more sorry than I can say. Without Cad and Hazel, I will surely be worse than ever. But I still have my Jean and Christ.


Went to prayer meeting. I was so glad to see Katheryn – but it seemed as if Hazel and Cad ought to be there too.


The Ladies Union met here. had an awful time. Jean was over for a little while. We went up to the library. I want Cad and Hazel to come back so much.


Nell Hasson came this morning. The folks went off for a picnic. Jean and Beulah were down for a while. Was over to Katheryn’s. Sat on the floor with my head in her lap. I like her so very much.


Too hot to live. Went walking with Jean and Mrs. Wallace. She ought to be very happy with such a mother and father as she has. Went to church with Nell Hasson.


We had an awful thunder storm last night. Geo, Nell and I had a hose fight. Have been sort of crazy ever since. Busted two dishes and dropped a big bowl of salad all over everything. Was down to Jeans this p.m. Miss Barthol is going down to Mexico. It will be awfully nice for Miss Gantt, but lonesome for us girls.


Got a dandy fine letter from Cad – bless her heart. We will see her in a week. Can hardly wait. Jean is staying with me tonight.


Went to sleep about one. Early. I simply cannot get over that letter. She said she was lonely sometimes too. Can hardly wait until Tuesday.


Cleaned house all day. Nell had some girls over for supper. Went to prayer meeting. The subject; Forgiveing(sic) and Forgetting. Certainly stuck me hard. Katheryn led. Dandy meeting too.


Had a marshmallow roast in Hoffman’s pasture. I am going to stay with my Jean tonight. Am kind of lonesome. Worked till four o’clock this p.m. Was over to Erma’s a little while.


Mamma and Geo went over into Iowa. Nell and I stayed home and did the work. Rode three miles on a wheel today. Had a dandy auto ride with Ellis’es. Heard from Miss Gantt. Guess she is getting lonesome only three more days – and then –Joy!


Hassan’s and Ryan’s were here for dinner. Read all afternoon. Jean and I went riding and then to church. Only two more days. Wrote to Hazel.


It has been so hot today. I am so tired that I’m silly. Went into hysterics this noon. Was down to Jeans. She and her mother were here after supper. Prehaps(sic) I am going to Soo City tomarrow(sic).


Jean, Geo and I went to the ballgame. Missed the morning train so went on noon freight. Car busted at Jefferson. Reached city at 3:30 so didn’t have time to shop. I wonder if Caroline came. Haven’t seen her.


Saw Caroline this morning. Don’t believe I ever was so glad to see anyone before – except Hazel. Jean and I went over for a while after supper. Guess she isn’t going until next week. Joy!


Went up to the schoolhouse with Miss French and Cicers. It made me so lonesome to think – Wonder if Hazel will answer that crazy letter? Was down to Jeans a little while and then went to prayer meeting.


Stayed with Jean last night. Went to sleep so early. jean and I were over to Caroline’s a little while. had some fun at M.E. Church.


Miss Cromwell came this morning. Am so tired. Jean was down this p.m.


I will never never forget tonight. Went over to Crill’s to bid Caroline goodbye. We sat out on the porch and talked. She said she cared – and she loved me always, always. She said I ought to take care of Erma. She always understands when one is lonely. I love her. I love her. I love her.


Camping at Walsh bridge. Fellow tried to drive us out. Rain, wind, thunder.


Came home tonight my face looks like a pickled beet - feels like it too. Caroline is going in the morning.


Didn’t see Cad again. Oliver went this morning. Painted a little while this p.m. Got a short note from Hazel and a card from Winifred. Think it’s about time she was writing. Jean was down this p.m. She sure is a big help for me.

Sunday, July 1, 2007


Friday. July 1

Haven’t seen Jean. Am going over to Hoffman’s for supper. Went up to the library.


Had a dandy swim down to Nolan’s. Jean is going to stay all night with me. I just want to take her in my arms and hold her so tight – but she don’t want me to.


Went to sleep sometime after two. Oh dear, oh dear, I can’t help Jean or anyone. Mrs. Wallace got a 10 page letter from Miss Gantt. She said it was for Jean and me too. She is certainly having a great time.


The great and glorious Fourth! Jean and I were together all day. The baloon(sic) ascension was fine. Bet I have walked 50 miles today. Am nearly dead.


Painted today. Was over to Hoffman’s for supper. Got a card from Miss Gantt. Ironed from 7:20 – 9:00 this eve. Am not very tired, th’o.


Mamma went to Sioux City. Jess, Edwin and I had a picnic over on banks of Missouri. Walked on the sand bar. Am so hot and tired and dirty. Haven’t seen Jean.


Send a card to Hazel. Stayed home all day and took care of Mamma. She is sick in bed. Went up to Jeans this evening. Played croquet. Won both games. Mrs. W. and I gainst Mr. Wallace and Mildred Thor


Have been busy taking care of Mamma. Edwin and I drove down to Vinson’s after buttermilk. The sky was beautiful and I longed for Miss Gantt beside me riding out into “nowhere”.


Miss French is staying with mamma tonight. She certainly is good if anyone is. (Except Hazel and Jean. They are best). Was up to the dentists this morning. Got a letter from Miss Gantt. I love her so. Haven’t seen my Jean for two whole days. Am so lonely tonight.


Haven’t seen anyone and that means Jean, cause she’s everything to me. Got a card from Miss Bartholomew. Wish I could see her and Miss Gantt.


Was up to the dentist again. Had three teeth filled and am nearly dead. Painted for three hours this p.m. on my goose plate. My back nearly broke bending over that old outline. Haven’t seen Jean.


Painted today. Got my forget-me-not plate ready for another fireing(sic) and worked on my goose plate. Saw Jean at last. She is going in a week. How I will miss her! She and I bo’t a weeks supply of postals. HaHa


Nell and I did the washing all alone. Was down and to Jeans for supper. Played croquet. Mr. Reyo selected 10 prop upon which my exam will be based. Joy!


Worked all morning. Painted all afternoon. Played croquet. Jean was down this evening. I wish she was my sister so I could be with her all the time.


Jean and I are going to sleep on Hoffman’s house tonight. Had an awful time making our bed. Quite easy to haul a great big mattress up the ladder and thru a hole about a foot square. Oh yes.


We had a great time last night. When we lit the candle I know someone saw us. Didn’t go to sleep until after two. Woke up at four and at six. Jean stayed here until time to take her Latin less. She wrote a letter which she hadn’t ought to have written and sent it to Hazel.


Helped Miss French with a blackboard exsercise(sic). Was down to Jeans for supper. She and I went to church and C.E. Subj. was Letter Writing. Wish someone in Maravatio would cultivate the habit.


Have studied and read all day. Went down to Jeans after Lad. Naughty dog. Played croquet. Jean is going Thurs. See where I spend some pretty lonely days.


Painted today. Started a tea tile. Wanted to go down to Jeans, but couldn’t. Made me tired. Am reading “The Count of Monte Cristo”. It surely is interesting.


Very appropriate cards – “Sneeze, your brain’s dusty”. “Does you love me, ‘hun’? Then stick your tongue in my mouf.” “Be good and keep your nose clean “I’m a cleaner, come and get cleaned.”


Jean went away today, am blue as can be. Nell and a whole gang of girls went down to the Sioux this p.m. Wish I could see Miss Bartholemew.


Went down to Vinson’s last night. Just got home. Rode horseback. Am awfully tired – but anyway I went south. Mrs. Beattie and Hazel Vohner were over this evening.


Took my geom. exam. Know I’ll flunk. Wrote only thirteen pages. Maybe I wasn’t tired when I got thru – and maybe I was. Ice cream social in court house yard. Helped wait on the table. Wish Jean would write.


Mr. Beattie, Carrie R and the Stickney’s were here for dinner. Talk about dishes! I am so tired. Maud, Jess and I went driving. They certainly are limits.


Heard from Jean at last. Have read her letter over and over. She certainly is the dearest ever. Lucile, Erma and I went to Richland on a picnic. Went boat riding, lost an oar and had lots of fun.


Ironed from 8:00 till 12:30. Painted from 1:00 till 6:30. I certainly am tired. Erma and I went to the show. Am staying all night with her. We are going on a picnic at Riverside. Missed Jean so much at our painting lesson.


Got up at 5:00. Started at 6:30. Went to the city twice. Went roller skating on the figure eight, got caught in a storm on the way home – but had a dandy time.


Was sick as a dog last night. Slept ‘till almost noon. George came yesterday. Wish Jean would write. Seems as if she has been gone ages instead of only a week.


Ma Fox and Maud are gone so I am staying all night with Blanche. She is down in the hammock with her Artie. Was up to the library this p.m. Got a card from Katheryn.


Got a picture of Miss Gantt taken with her pupils. She looks so dear. I just wanted to see her more than ever – but I can kiss the picture of her dear face anyway. S’pose I’m silly.


Edwin came today. The Hoffman’s were over for dinner. Dishes! Dishes! I’m nearly dead. Went to church all alone. Wish Jean were here.

Friday, June 1, 2007


Tuesday. June 1 & 2

I went riding with Miss G., Cad, and Jean – the three whom I love best. Rode out to Hammond’s and came home by the sand hills. I sat on Miss Gantts lap and couldn’t help but think that it would probably be the last time I would ever ride with her. She put her head on my shoulder and I felt so lonesome. Cad kissed me goodnight. She and Miss Gantt are surely the most fair and square and best teachers that ever struck this town. And my Jean is the best girl.


Confound that old Fehn anyways. He sent me from the room and wouldn’t let me finish my geom. exam and all just because I whittled my pencil-box.


Am so tired tonight that I can hardly stand up and so lonesome too.


Miss Gantt went away today. Jean is staying all night with me. I don’t believe that I realized until tonight that Hazel was really going and that perhaps might never see her again and-ole everything.


Miss Barthol, Jean and I went riding. Don’t know what I would do if Jean were going away this summer too. Am so lonesome without Miss Gantt.


Went on a picnic in Mosher’s woods. Pretty - good time. Killed a garter snake. I would rather have been home with Jean than out there – cause she understands.


Have worked all day long. Few of the girls were over this evening. Went home by Bovees. Lots of fun. Jean is going to stay all night with me.


4:00 a.m. is too much for me. Have been sick in bed all day long. Sadie went away. Jean and I surely were surprized(sic) when the clock struck 3:00. Oh, how lonesome how terribly lonesome it is without Miss Gantt.


Sick in bed all day, but got up for supper. Cad came home tonight. Heard from Miss Gantt. She isn’t going to Mexico and I am so glad.


Went fishing – didn’t catch a thing. Am tired. Want my Jean.


Miss Gantt is here – and I am so happy, but she is going in the morning, so don’t suppose I will see much of her. Jean and I are going down to Wallace’s now. Oh, I can hardly wait to see her.


Never was so tickled to see anyone in all my life. She didn’t get home until 11 o’clock. Cad came too. Jean and S. stayed awake until 4:30 and then woke them up as Hazel was going on the 5:35. Am so lonesome now without her. It all seems like a dream.


Am so tired. Wanted to go up to Jean’s, but had to stay home and work. Read “At the Order of the Prophet”. Didn’t like it at all. Wish I hadn’t read it.


Went for a picnic over in the Iowa Hills. Was so disapointed(sic) because Jean couldn’t go. Nell, Geo. and Mamma went off and left me all alone, so I climbed to the top of a great big hill. I tho’t of Jean and Hazel and Cad – and God.


Nell went away today. Jean was down this p.m. Don’t know what I would do without her, but I don’t believe she loves me – not as I love her.


Jean and I took our lesson in china painting this p.m. Sid came this morning. Went riding with Jess.


Cad came over and kissed me good-bye. I just can’t be good.


Stayed all night with Jean. Guess I just about live up to Wallace’s. We went to sleep so early – only about twelve.


Went to church five times today. Church is no place for me. I don’t belong there at all. I’m not good enough. Seems as th’o everyone ought to kick me out. I’m a disgrace to it.


Got a card from Miss Gantt. Painted from 1:30 till 6:00. Am rather tired. Jean was here for supper.


If ever any poor mortal got scolded continually day in and day out. I think I’m the one. Nothing I ever do suits Mamma. Always scolded am I. Everything goes wrong.


Jean and I read all p.m. Went over to Homers for a picnic supper – Epworth League I guess. Am so tired. Jean and I walked out to the big tree past Stickney’s. I wish I could see Miss Gantt now.


Waws down to Jeans this p.m. and stayed for supper. Guess I just about live down there. Jean never comes to see me. Went to see Mr. Reyo about geom. I have to study up and take an exam next fall on the whole book. Murder!


Jean, Mrs. Wallace, Miss French, Mamma and I went on a picnic over in the Iowa Hills this p.m. Saw a rattlesnake and lost the dog. Jean and I climbed the hills.


Jean was down a little while this p.m. Didn’t get thru with the work until after 4 o’clock. Am dreadfully tired. Wanted Jean to stay all night, but she couldn’t


Today has been rather lonely. Went to church four times. Made candy. Went over to Hoffman’s. Haven’t seen Jean at all. Miss French heard from Miss Gantt. She has been sick. Oh dear.


Haven’t seen Jean. Wanted to go over tonight, but Ma wouldn’t let me ‘cause Jean had to study. I wasted two hours on geom. this morning. What a fool I am. Wrote to Miss Gantt. Finished Rienzi.


Got up at 5:30. Went on a picnic. Waded with Edwin in the Missouri. Painted this p.m. Was down to Jeans for supper. I believe I love her more everyday. Wish I would hear from Miss Gantt.


Mamma and I did the washing this morning. Jean was down here for supper. She is in the parlor playing. Wish she loved me, but I don’t wonder ‘cause she don’t. Wish I were dead, so I do.


Stayed all night with Jean. Went to prayer meeting. Wrote to Cad, but was so disgusted with the letter that I threw it into the waste paper basket. May I always have sense enough to so end all such silly letters.